I'll keep this one as short as I can...
I'm talking about Sonic Academy, where they do half-assed "techno" tracks that can only be defined as techno because of a 4x4 909 kick and some atonal bleeps and bloops.
I'm talking about ADSR, where they'll spend 30 minutes discussing something that took 2.5 minutes to explain, even with a healthy dose of exposition, simply to draw out the length of the courses and make them feel more legitimate.
I'm talking about literally any company that charges dozens of dollars for videos where they simply regurgitate old, well-trodden information, mixed in with a fair amount of misinformation (due to lack of knowledge on the subject), in order to churn out tutorial after tutorial where even in a controlled environment, the end-product is laughably amateur.
I guess what irks me the most is that all of these tutorials are safe, gutless, and as un-artistic as you could make them. Music is an Art form. ART. Capital A. These tutorials feel more like a means of monetizing people's interest in a subject than in teaching them something that will actually help them to become better ARTISTS (shocking, I know). I guess I won't be happy until Brian Eno or the like start making tutorials, but that day likely won't reach us, so until then I'll leave you with this...
Stop spending money on shit tutorials, waiting for them to fill the void. It didn't work for me, and it won't work for you. You can be so much more than Kygo Pluck User #n.
Find your own voice and your own way of working, and the rest will work itself out.
Submitted December 01, 2017 at 09:11AM by robkramble https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7gul8t/anyone_else_reach_the_point_where_99_of_tutorials/?utm_source=ifttt