So i saw the whole commotion about Alan Walker and tbh i was dissapointed as i really liked his music and even though the music is still good, it does take away from him as he is 'saying' he made it and really doesn't have a god damn clue about production. Much respect to the actual producer that made Alan's hit songs, you sir are gifted.
The same thing happened when Tsunami came out or when Quintino released Epic. All great songs but made you feel a bit 'meh' about the so called 'artists'.
Now one thing that i have never understood is, how do these small time 'nobody' 'unknown' producers manage to find these ghost producers that make them famous? Is there like a farm somewhere of amazing talented hit making ghost producers and people with money can just go down and pick one out like a new puppy?
I know someone like Guetta or Tiesto already have the big name, they already have the contacts and getting a ghost producer for them is probably fairly easy but how are these complete nobodies managing to get essentially some of the best producers in the world to write hit songs for them? It just doesn't make sense... I mean if you asked anyone before the big hits who these guys were they wouldn't have a clue, yeah maybe they were djing or whatever but production wise they did fuk all. Why would these ghost producers work with them or where would these nobodies find them?
Like i am not just saying this, but the guy that produces Alan Walkers tunes is an extremely gifted song writer, the sound he made the tunes he made its not something that everyone could do. Also, really if there were so many decent ghost producers out there then surely we would be seeing more hit records and more 17 year old superstar DJ's with no knowledge of producing....
Is it a money thing? Illuminati? I mean if you check those stores where u can buy a 'pro' track for like a $10000 they really sound very crappy compared to the big hit materials that the well known guys are getting produced for them, so there is a big difference!
TLDR - Where is this hidden database of amazing ghost producers that will work with complete nobodies and make them famous?
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 06:16AM by jjdejong0