Okay so I have a weird problem.
I recently went ahead and got myself a SSD for my laptop. Huge increase in performance.
However, ever since I re-installed FL studio, it mutes sound on whatever mixer track I have selected, and it's really weird!
Lets say I have my track playing. I go into the mixer and left click anywhere on mixer track nr. 3 which is where I have my kick. Instantly all the sounds coming from mixer track 3 is muted. If i left click on the master channel, the whole track is muted. I can't seem to find anyone with this problem on google, and I have tried looking through the settings but can't find anything.
Is there someone who could help me? I have no idea what to do.
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 09:17PM by ilovekickrolls https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/7974a9/help_fl_mutes_sound_on_whatever_mixed_track_i/?utm_source=ifttt