Hi guys,
I have a strange request, but knowing how the Internet works I think this will work. Some years ago I tried to learn and apply music theory and after many tries I found a book that seem to follow a style that I liked. The book had a practical approach with many exercises. The problem is that I cannot remember the name of the book. The only distinguishing thing about the book I recall is that there was an exercise based on a story: you have to pretend that you are a prisoner that has to compose a melody. You are giving a flute like thing with 5 notes and have compose something good otherwise you will be killed on the next day. Or something on these lines.
I know this sounds difficult, but if you know the name of the book, please, leave a comment.
Also, should I also try some other communities here at reddit where some other people might remember/guess the name of the book?
Thank you very much!
Submitted August 04, 2022 at 05:45PM by ApartmentEquivalent4 https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/wgbqth/im_trying_to_remember_a_book_about_music_theory/?utm_source=ifttt