So I would consider myself a solid bass player, however I never was taught properly. I don’t know each scale by heart but the major scale pattern. I have a very basic knowledge in music theory. I have an acoustic guitar and know a few chord; (A C D E G) however that’s about it.
I would love to learn how to play acoustic guitar I have time now, and determined to learn! My only problem is now that I’m playing chords instead of just one note at a time. My question is what are the right things I need/should focus on learning that will help me learn how to play guitar the right way?
Now I know there’s no real “right way” but I want to know what you all would recommend me to learn first. Like if I were to go back to when I first got my bass I would have told myself to learn the notes of the neck, this would have shave my so much time in learning. Should I focus on learning; scales, chords, music theory, or all at the same time? Also is there any warmups you guys do that’s also great practice?
I’m willing to learn the boring stuff because I know it’s worth it. Also sorry for over explaining just want to make sure people understand! Thank you so much!
Submitted January 03, 2020 at 07:23AM by Lightw0lf