Alright. So as the title says. Im interested in getting a good foundation for learnig music.
I have experience teaching myself how to draw. Everyone I saw on youtube would always talks about the fundamentals. And they're right. If you learn them you can easily adapt them to any piece that crosses your mind
Things from the absaloute fundamentals like how to draw a straight line. Then how to convert 3d shapes to 2d and change perspective. How to use lighting, first to show form and depth ,then to create mood. How to arrange a compositon. Once you have these down the rest is just studying subject matter.
Im curious if something like this exists in music. I want to learn music in general with no specific instrument in mind.
Any advice or resources would be welcome. Book reccomendations are also welcome
Submitted March 02, 2019 at 10:34PM by FinanceFuckery