I’m currently in band and one event that I look forward to is Solo and Group Band Contest. You learn a piece and you play your piece for a judge and they’ll grade your piece based on your performance. The grading system is set up like this:
III- why are you even here. (Worst Score)
II- Good job for playing, you tried, but you suck
I- Mediocre
Regional Star- You knew what you were doing, but it wasn’t how I liked it.
State Star- Outstanding (Best Score)
For the past two years, I’ve only gotten ones, and I need to know how to change that. I currently play the French horn, and I want to get a state star. If anyone has any suggestions on how to get a state star, please drop a comment, and if anyone has a piece in mind, drop a comment. Thanks for reading!
Submitted March 16, 2019 at 02:57PM by WretchedBow https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/b1v7hv/contest/?utm_source=ifttt