I've almost given up on finding tutorials on Youtube for stuff like Serum and Massive. For example, I just found this tutorial on making a Getter-type bass with Serum.
I pause it every 5 seconds, everytime he even tweaks a knob I pause it and go tweak mine the same exact way so I'm sure to do literally every single thing he does to the smallest detail. They usually show you what it sounds like at different stages of the process, and every time without fail, he'll play the sound and mine sounds nothing like it.
I do every single thing they do, and for some reason there always seems to be a point where mine departs from whatever they're doing and I am at a loss as to what exactly I'm doing wrong.
Submitted March 28, 2018 at 05:19PM by TheyCallHimPaul https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/87v78i/why_the_hell_do_my_synths_sound_nothing_like_the/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Wednesday, March 28, 2018