Fairly new producer here. I've been using Serum pretty much exclusively since I started producing and I really want to learn a second synth. I'm comfortable with basic sound design and I know Serum pretty well, but I want to branch out for some variety. I'm looking for a synth that can get me good, fat, warm, epic chords and leads. I can get the crazy bass sounds, plucks, pads, FX, etc.. that I want to make in a synth with Serum, but I find it difficult to create lead and chord patches that I like. I find the wavetable stuff to always have this metallic, aggressive sound without a lot of filtering, and I want something with some different character. I acknowledge that this is probably just a limit in my capability with sound design, however I still want to branch out to a new synth for the sake of variety.
I've tried a few demos and I'm leaning towards Spire. Just wanted to see if I could get some input or maybe different suggestions before I pull the trigger on anything. Thanks!
Submitted March 31, 2018 at 07:38PM by ShittingTits https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/88makv/branching_out_to_a_new_synth_looking_for/?utm_source=ifttt