So I have been watching numerous cymatics tutorials recently and they always talk about how important headroom is in mixes. I have heard that everywhere on the internet and I personally always aim for -6 to -8 dB of headroom during any drop of mine. I generally make house/future house/ g house/ bass house music. I have been downloading project files Cymatics offers and in EVERY single one whether its house all the way to dubstep and trap, they always are about +2db when the drop hits with the limiter turned off. Also I thought kicks were always the loudest parts of any song and they always seem to have all kinds of random levels of volume on different sounds. Idk if my problem is being too uniform or what but I personally always aim for my kick to be around 1 db louder than anything else, maybe this isnt good thing to do, i dont know. Either way it baffles me how cyamtics and many professional producers in their master classes have such "bad" techniques of mixing yet the songs end up sounding way better than any of mine and they have almost no peaks in a mastered song, where i almost always do even when i bus compress and compress and limit during mastering.
Submitted March 31, 2018 at 02:48PM by lamekurt