Hi guys,
I'm looking for artist that combine studio recordings of "real" instruments with electronic music.
i'm studying electronic music in denmark and is doing a my bachelor project, which is about recording and sampling a bunch of musicians in a studio and using those recordings in a mainly electronic production.
I'm inspired by Deliverance by Culprate, Black Sands by Bonobo, Cosmogramma by Flying Lotus, and a lot of stuff by Nils frahm.
So if anyone has some suggestions to some cool inspiring music that used recorded instruments i dying to hear them!
i know a lot of electronic artist use samples from instruments, but i'm looking for artist where a larger part of their music are made with "real" instrument recordings.
thanks in advance!
Submitted March 29, 2018 at 05:44AM by eekium https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/87zpqc/suggestions_for_artist_combining_studio/?utm_source=ifttt