I just got Harmor and it's nuts, but when I turn up the filter resonance and do a slow filter sweep, it has this weird digital tone to it. the filters sound good enough with the resonance off/low, but as soon as you turn up the res, they get this digital character to them.
I thought this may have just been a byproduct of resynthesis, but I opened up Alchemy and was able to do similar resynthesis and its filters sounded normal.
people who have Harmor, are there any settings I can tweak to remove this weird digital sound from the filter res and make it sound like a normal synth filter? I've already tried selecting between the various res presets and adjusting the knobs next to it, but I wasn't able to alleviate it.
Submitted March 01, 2018 at 12:31PM by test822 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/8162ij/harmor_weird_digital_sound_on_filter_resonance/?utm_source=ifttt