Hey guys,
I'm having a very strange issue I've never encountered before. I have this really heavy machine gun like bass that uses a decent amount of in-Serum filters and FX. I duplicated the MIDI track to have another version of the bass to modify and create something slightly different and quickly realized that both MIDI tracks do not sound the same.
Although they are similar they do not sound exactly the same even though there isn't a single parameter that is any different (no changes in FX or anything). I tried duplicating it again and got yet again another slightly different sounding bass. Has anybody ever experienced this before?
I work with Serum every single day for hours at a time and have never noticed this issue before. Keep in mind that both oscillators' RandPhase is set to 0%. The only thing I did that is out of the ordinary compared to what I'm used to is that I used the X-Shaper for the distortion.
Submitted October 27, 2017 at 10:32PM by GeoAnonymoose https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/797hax/abletonserum_issue_when_duplicating_midi_tracks/?utm_source=ifttt