For now I just use Ableton 11 and got the hand of it, but I would love to start making electronic music in the more traditional way, using synthesizers and things like those. For this reason I wanted to ask some questions:
Where do I start? What program do I need to use? Is there a specific DAW/program I should use in order to use synths?
I need to buy my first synth. A lot of people recommend the Minilogue XD, but, since I would like a more classic sound, I thought it would be better to buy the module of the MS-20 Mini. What synth do you recommend?
Is there anything in general that I haven't mentioned that I should know?
Sorry if I'm saying some stupid things, I know very little about the technical part of electronic music. Also sorry for the bad english.
Submitted January 28, 2023 at 07:04PM by VitelloPiediDiBalsa
Javier Rodriguez
Saturday, January 28, 2023