What are the string instruments or string instrument that plays from 0:00 to 0:30 and that comes every once in a while from 0:57? Also from 4:00 to 4:30. Link to the song https://soundcloud.com/george-gibson-765757593/neotokyo-gsdf-04-imbrium.
I'm ignorant of string instruments and I assume if it sounds something like that its just a violin, but I'm not too sure of it. I would like to play whatever is playing at those moments. Thanks for any help!
Submitted September 20, 2020 at 05:37AM by helppleaseimlazy https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/iwa70s/i_want_to_learn_to_play_this_instrument_but_i/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Sunday, September 20, 2020