La Lugubre Gondola is one of Franz Liszt's most important late works, written in 1882, recomposed in 1883 and shortly thereafter arranged for violin and piano. The recomposed version was published in 1885 and remained the only version of the work published during Liszt lifetime (now usually called La Lugubre Gondola II). Though the piece was originally meant to be titled Troisieme Elegie, and dedicated to Lina Ramann, the death of Wagner had a profund impact on Liszt, who turned the piece into a Wagner memorial. The opening melodic line and the harmonic treatment of the piece can be seen as remisicent of Wagner's music. The first of all versions of La Lugubre Gondola was published only in 2002 by Rugginenti. Another version exist in the form of a manuscript, dating from the end of Liszt's life, with a surprising 6/8 version of the piece. It was published in 1927 with the same title, resulting in the now popular yet unfortunate numeration that lists this late piece as La Lugubre Gondola I.
Below is a link to this piece performed by renowned pianist Jean Dubé. This is an amazing performance.
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Submitted August 14, 2021 at 04:04PM by Sergej-Strelchenko
Javier Rodriguez
Saturday, August 14, 2021