Hi everyone. I want to get started with music but it all seems so overwhelming (and expensive)! I have absolutely no knowledge of playing or composing music, so naturally, I have a few questions:
For my first instrument, I would like to play the piano. What should I buy as my first piano? Can all keyboards connect to a Digital Audio Workstation? Or do I have to look for specific ones? I want to use the very first keyboard that I buy to connect it to my laptop down the road. My budget is 200 to 600 dollars but I can add or reduce!
What's the difference between keyboards, digital pianos, and MIDI controllers?
Am I correct in assuming that buying a keyboard with 88 weighted keys is the best option?
Are the Alfred's Adult Piano books good to learn from? Or are they only good for people learning on real pianos?
Lastly, here's a bonus question (don't have to answer or even read this): is getting started with music in your late 20s even a good idea? I've always been an extreme recluse, but recently, the idea of making music has been an exciting, brain rewiring, wake-up call for me. I remember taking a few piano lessons as a teenager but I was uninterested at the time... I have forgotten everything about the lessons and angrily regret not continuing! I now wish to pursue music as a hobby and as an outlet, to aid me in finding some friends to connect with and form a band with, and to provide some escapism and comfort to me as I get started with life.
Submitted June 30, 2021 at 10:07PM by lostmute https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/obaxe3/i_want_to_learn_the_keyboard_as_my_first/?utm_source=ifttt