1) Is there a plugin available that would allow me to manipulate the pitch of an audio sample without changing the length of the sample, so I can draw midi style patterns with it? Simply putting the sample into the Fruity Loops piano roll and changing the pitch that way results in the sample either speeding way up or slowing way down, rendering it unusable.
2) Looking for a plugin that allows you to choose a key scale and then mix and match various chords for that scale only.
If anyone knows of any plugins like these, I'd appreciate some help, thx
Submitted February 26, 2017 at 09:40PM by hunter123456 https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5wdlg8/looking_for_preferably_free_plugins_that_perform/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Sunday, February 26, 2017