hey reddit, bunch of maybe stupid question, but I need some answer :) ( sorry for the english btw )
About mix, I heard "pro" track, lot of guy tell to mix not loud there, why your ear can hear how dynamic affect things ? ( mine not really with a headphone, maybe that's me, I can focus on how it affect the tone tough )
so .. mix is not a thing, really ? even in dubstep pro track ? ..
I see a lot of "pro guy" mix without headroom at all ( like 0 db on master channel ) : why ?
is EQ can be use for glue volume when layering ?
Why krne push a snare volume on ableton until the roof on a project stems. ( taking all the headroom with )
sidechain is just brightening volume for things jumping, but a good mix 'don't need it' for make a good track ( edm ) ? ( true or not ? )
about "layer", take this : I have a kick : with a click, he play a poke until 0.5 ms ( he has a tone ? .. playing on harmony or not ? ) or frequency choice is better for making drums ? this tone have to match with things that have the same frequency aswell after ? ( like my "top kick with high frequency" should be harmonizing the high stuff from the bass ? and the "bot/low" bass in the layer kick should harmonize the bass aswell ? or I m overthinking there ? can we do this in the mixing stage ? )
is drum making "harmony" or "road" for the melody ? or it's just a matter of pure rythm vision ? such things doesn't matter, good mix can fix them ?. ( I hear guys tell they don't give a fuck about the key of their drums ) that's stupid ? or this can be make in the mixing stage ? ( make volume flow together )
talking about dubstep ( what I can hear is : everything is limited and hardly pushed, sound designed loudly at basic stage ( true ? ) or that's just me with weak sound design and not very well understanding of mixing yet that is not aware of possibility of mix stage.
When I was really more a noob, my track was not sounding like my idea because of dynamic and mixing loudly. ( the low volume make things disapear a lot ) so I try to mix them good at low volume.
scale is just a way to talk about a "deck" of note, right ? this is just a way more accurate for talking melody ?
mixing stuff and focus more on the mid frequency before the low is better ? ( the 1000/3000 hz range ) ?
is "gluing" bus, a real thing to do in "any case" ( bit of satu, tube, bit of comp, limiting etc.. ), or can we admit it's possible to make a perfect song without a bus processing ? ( I see someone show a graphic, explaining that frequency will be on the same amp or something like when you compress them )
thanks reddit have a good day :)
Submitted February 26, 2017 at 06:14PM by STRIKR-me https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5wcgv5/bunch_of_little_questions_about/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Sunday, February 26, 2017