Hiya. I'm looking for a tone generator VST to create binaural beats in ableton live 9. Right now, I'm using MOscillator from Melda production. Its pretty powerful for a free synth. I also have absynth 5. Anyways, why I chose this program was because you can type in the exact freq you need. So, if I wanted to make a 6.3hz tone centered around 432hz, I could have a sine wave 428.85hz in one ear and a 435.15hz tone in the other. I'm having some problems with the MOscillator VST, however. Firstly, you can only go to one decimal place precision, leaving me to compromise on a 428.9/435.2 split. Also, when I drag the VST from the sidebar onto the session view, I cannot make a clip on the VST audio track. This means the tone play constantly and I can't move anything into the arrangement view, as there are no clips. Finally, if I close the VST window, I can't figure out how to reopen it.
Let me just get to the point. Does anyone know of a VST where you can type in the exact frequency you need, as many decimal places as possible, 3 is great, that works well with ableton?
Thanks for answering! Also love discussing binaural beats and sound healing, so if ya wanna chat about that, let's!
Submitted February 25, 2017 at 09:02PM by CommanderPancakes https://www.reddit.com/r/edmproduction/comments/5w797m/binaural_beats_vst/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Saturday, February 25, 2017