Hello, I am a musician, programmer, and interdisciplinary PhD student in Music and Computer Science, and I am working on music pedagogy tools delivered over the web. I am also a jazz (and other styles) musician, and was never a "natural" when it came to aural awareness, I have had to work hard over decades to get my ears up to snuff. I am planning on making what I intend (ha!) to be the best tools for training aural and harmonic awareness is ways that are a) effective from a psychoacoustic and effective practice perspective and b) useful in real-world music contexts of many genres.
That's the background, I would like to know what you have wished music pedagogy apps or sites did that they don't do - how could they be better to make them really effective training tools. Ear training apps are an interesting beast - writing a simple one is dead easy, writing things that "understand" music is actually quite involved, so there are boat loads of not terribly great ones. I have my list of improvements but would love to hear yours.
Disclaimer: this will be for-pay tool, but my intention is to keep it cheap enough that it falls in the category of a very reasonable expense as part of term materials in a music school or course. So I guess part of the ask is "what would make it so good you would actually pay for it?" (or ask your students to use it if you are a teacher). For what it is worth, I have also contributed a lot of time to open source as the author of Scheme for Max, and the author of csound6~ for Max, which are completely open source, and I will be releasing some of the building blocks I use to make this system as open source as well (Web audio and webmidid components, etc).
Thanks for your replies. (Given the commercial aspect of this research, I have checked with mods and got approval for the question).
Submitted September 12, 2023 at 12:23PM by tremendous-machine https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/16gu8ht/what_do_you_wish_ear_harmony_training_appssites/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Tuesday, September 12, 2023