Hi. I'm currently in the process of learning 1st movement if Moonlight Sonata by this video and sheets provided with it: https://youtu.be/sbTVZMJ9Z2I
There's that part that goes right after a long descent in the middle of the piece. It starts with a B sharp and on the sheet it's written as a double-sided B with a sharp, eighth on the left and a half on the right side. Don't know much regarding music notation but it seems really confusing — why is it written that way? For some time I thought you're actually supposed to play both B and B# at the same time for some dissonance. But nope, it's just a B# for a half of measure. Wouldn't it be more logical to, let's say, write a triplet with a first note being silent and and this B# as a separate half-note?
Submitted May 10, 2022 at 06:46PM by cha_zz https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/umto27/doublesided_notes_in_music_notation_whats_the/?utm_source=ifttt