my question is one that's been frustrating for me for a long time and i don't know if there's an answer to it. i played flute in high school and something about it was just, i don't know how to describe it, i felt this huge otherworldly connection with other people when i played in bands and orchestras. i felt like i was in my element, i felt like i was myself, i felt like i had an endless toolkit of ways to express myself under my fingertips. i quit flute for some reason and decided i wanted to get more into music production. but then some mental health issues happened and now it's been 6 years and i just... can't get into it.
i'm literally a music major undergrad right now. i take music production classes, i take theory classes, i take history classes. i get assignments that are literally "make a 1 minute song, it doesn't have to be well-composed, just submit something," and i can't do it. i can't get into it. i can't enjoy it. i play a little guitar but only alone, and sitting around in my DAW is also lonely. I'm losing my connection with whatever I loved about music, I'm starting to get annoyed when I listen to music that means the world to me because I know there's just something I'm missing. What the fuck do I do? I really don't think I can go on without reconnecting with it somehow. I'm working on the mental health issues so don't comment on that
Submitted March 13, 2021 at 12:00AM by gumsbegintobleed