I've just uploaded new videos and sheet music for my series, Duet With Me. The series is now up to 9 play along videos and there's free sheet music for 16 original duets, transposed for all instruments.
I'm hoping this series will be a useful tool for teachers and students, especially during covid. Please enjoy and share! And be sure to subscribe so you get all the new content.
Check out http://www.BradHarrison.ca/DuetWithMe for the sheet music and http://www.youtube.com/BradHarrison for play along videos and lots of theory and practice technique videos too!
Submitted July 22, 2020 at 12:59PM by Brad_Harrison https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/hvwckt/free_duet_series_with_play_along_videos_and_sheet/?utm_source=ifttt