I'm learning a new instrument (lyre), and a friend recommended practicing to a metronome. I can't play and listen (or think/tap, etc) to the beat. The moment I hear it and I consciously notice it, I stop playing and lose my place. Forcing myself to play, I notice I'm tuning it out instantly. It's far worse if I listen to a recording of the song I'm trying to play.
I've always had this problem, I can't have a conversation with someone if they're watchjng tv or something, it distracts me too much, etc, unless I'm able to tune it out completely. Same when I was in band back in school. Though, with others in the same instrument playing the same part, was easier (but if a different part broke into my concentration, I would falter and stop, losing my place).
My timing for the songs is decent, at least, since I kjow the songs well. But an outside beat (or expressing it/deliberately counting it) fucks me up in a massive way. Any advice?
Submitted July 09, 2021 at 05:27AM by Chrona_trigger https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/ogra2b/learning_an_instrument_unable_to_play_to/?utm_source=ifttt