Happy new year guys first of all
Id like to hear from the people who play one of them or even both. Do you prefer one over the other? If so why.
Ive never tried to learn an instrument in my life and its a new years resolution I guess, sort of.
I dont know anything. No music theory. Nothing.
I like the sound of piano for example listening to Yiruma is what made me want to try to learn piano
I also like metal and guitar solos. I like the fast paced solos. With the distortion? I think its called. Its pretty cool but as I say so is piano.
Both types of music are obviously very different. I dont want to pick one and regret not picking the other.
Another reason for considering electric for both of these is I can use headphones while learning. Big plus for me.
Thats my rant. If this would be better posted somewhere else let me know, thanks.
Submitted December 31, 2020 at 03:54PM by ishallconquerfapping https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/knvq45/cant_decide_between_keyboard_or_electric_guitar/?utm_source=ifttt
Javier Rodriguez
Thursday, December 31, 2020