first of all i will begin by saying that i have not professionally played an instrument or commited to playing one, mainly due to the inablity to get my hands on one.
but in the few occasions that i got my hands on toy instruments like cheap kid keyboards and wacky plastic "flutes" i would usually try and play songs that i know and my only struggle was really finding the note i want to use but i knew what i was looking for, and eventually when i did find the notes i wanted i would just play them a couple of times to remember the note places then i would do a small segment of the song then feel satisfied and stop.
i just couldnt find it easily because i didnt know how to use the instrument/i dont know what note each button makes, in other words lack of practice.
but i have been looking around in some posts and videos and people usually complain about not being able to play by ear, i am not asking to subtly flex or anything like that i swear, i am genuinely clueless when it comes to playing music but i have been listening to music as long as i have lived pretty much, but is being able to play without using music sheets or some sort of guide supposed to be hard? (aside from the obvious fact that you need to memorize the key positions)
Submitted February 24, 2025 at 10:55PM by fireflussy
Javier Rodriguez
Monday, February 24, 2025