Ever since I was young dance and music is one thing that always made me happy. No matter what, it just made me happy. Being depressed for another 4yrs and insecurity made me loose my voice and my dance for another 4-5yrs. It’s been years since I sang and I realised that my voice is not beautiful as it used to be. Recently I started thinking about joining dancing and singing schools again. To learn pole dancing and have been inclined to start music as well. This will and inclination came to me when I was watching this video ROSALIA PERFORMANCE , the entire performance was a religious experience. And it just wanted to make me want to create something like this.
Hence, here comes the question. I want to just get lost in music. Learn everything about it, get to know everything about it. And then create great masterpieces like this. But I’m clueless. As to where to start. So, please guide me on how I should start and from where should I start. I’m ready to do anything. Go anywhere. I just want to find this. Make this. Thanks in advance.
Submitted August 24, 2020 at 01:56AM by travelwishes007 https://www.reddit.com/r/Learnmusic/comments/ifip4h/ever_since_i_was_young_dance_and_music_is_one/?utm_source=ifttt